Tuesday, July 29, 2008

From the Twilight Series Comes "Breaking Dawn" to You

Bookstores to Host "Twilight" Parties for "Breaking Dawn" Release

After the Harry Potter series comes the Twilight series which has also grapped teen and adult fans' attention. The fourth and final book in the series, "Breaking Dawn" is scheduled to be released, bookstores across the nation are hosting Twilight parties. In case you did not know about it, here is the scoop about the books.

Conceived by a Mormon housewife living outside Phoenix with her husband and children, the Twilight series started with Twilight. The second one is called "New Moon." The third book is called Eclipse which has taken the New York Bestseller list from a Harry Potter book.

What is it about?

The book is a contemporary tale of love, fantasy and horror about a smart but awkward teenager named Bella and a handsome vampire named Edward. There is also another guy named Jacob who has supernatural issues. It is the story of a love in conflict.

What are the numbers on this series?

The first three books have sold more than 5.3 million copies in the U.S. alone since "Twilight" debuted in 2005. Thanks to the romantic story the books contain, they become popular. they have lots of mushy writing and dialogue.

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