Ah! The difference of Oprah's seal on the book. It's the difference of before her selection and after it was picked and marketed to millions of fans and readers. James Frey, author of "A Million Little Pieces" must be a happy guy. So must his mother and wife be! This book is an autobiography. It's about his addiction to alcohol and crack that almost killed him. He wrote the book from the inside out. He said that he had never seen a book or a movie that got the problems of addiction to alcohol and crack right. "I hadn't ever read a book or seen movies or television that got addiction right. A lot of times people try to blame other people for their problems or try to romanticize addiction. I don't believe most addicts are victims of anything but themselves."
The magic of Oprah works this way. If you have a bestseller, she can make it into a supper bestseller! I hope she can make my husband's books into a bestseller too.